Friday, May 9, 2014

Happy Birthday Jack Attack

Dear Jackson,

You are three today. Where has time gone? I know every mother says that, but I really am shocked about how fast time has gone. I don’t want to say it makes me sad because I am so grateful that you have been given these three years. We are never promised tomorrow. For this, I thank the Lord.
May 10th, 2011

These years are just passing so quickly. I feel like it was only yesterday I was writing you letters about STD’s and sex before marriage while you were in my tummy. Yes, I was lecturing you before you were even born…

I think lots of parents wish they could go back to having a baby.  

I don’t.

Don’t get me wrong. You were a precious baby, but every single day you have grown, has been more fun for me and your dad.

First Birthday

You are delightful. You are hilarious. You are literally joy in my life. You love to make us laugh. You love to break dance on the floor. You already use funny voices and impersonate people. You are smart. You are kind. You love your doggies. You love to pick up doggy poop. You love to water your flowers. You love to toot on me. You love to look at your poop after you go to the bathroom. You love to sing. You have fabulous taste in music. You love to pray and thank God for everyone…over and over again.

You are a delight to my soul.

Your Daddy and I could not be more blessed to call you our son.

Second Birthday

We pray every day that you will grow up and love the Lord with all your heart.

That is the only thing we want for you.

Sure we want you to have a nice job and a wife who loves you, but more than anything in the entire world, we want you to have a personal relationship with Jesus.

We pray every day that He draws you to Him. That He woos you. That you seek Him. That you desire to know Him more every day. That you have a passion for Him.

You can work at McDonalds for the rest of your life. I don’t care what you do. You can move to the middle of nowhere to be a missionary. You can move to the middle of nowhere to be a fruit vendor (Random, but we just passed one on the highway.) You can be President. You can be a janitor. I don’t even care if you get married one day and make me grandbabies.

As long as you love Jesus and serve Him, I will be a happy momma.

So know this little stinker (literally. You have some stinky toots lately.): There is no pressure here. We know that life will be hard. We know that you will fail in life. You will make mistakes. We know that. We are not expecting you to be perfect. That is the beauty of salvation. It is for grace we have been saved and not by works. You will never be able to earn your way into heaven, so don't try. Lean on the Lord. Depend on Him. Seek Him. Find your rest in Him. Find your purpose in Him.

We will fail you. We will screw up. We will be hypocrites at times. We will lose our temper. We will yell, but we will always try to ask you for your forgiveness.

We will do our very best to model Christ’s love to you.

Just know that we are praying every day for you to be covered by the blood of Jesus and sanctified in Him.

Third Birthday

Thank you Jesus for the three years you have given Jackson to us. We could not have asked for a more perfect son who is not perfect. We pray for many more years with him. We pray for health. We pray for safety. Above all else, we pray that his name is already written in your Book Of Life. Thank you for blessing us with this gift. Help us to teach him. To tend to him. To love him. To be a daily example of your love for him.

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