Saturday, April 19, 2014


Ok, I said I wouldn't post anything else, but this has nothing to do with oils, and everything to do with Jesus, so I think I'm good. Right?

I want to tell you about my most favorite song in the entire world. I mean it's up there.

This is one of my favorites because when we decided we were going to move here, and started making preparations, I was scared.

I did not want to move here, and at the same time, I did.

I was scared of all of the unknowns.

We knew people who had been kidnapped and held for ransom here.

We had no idea what might happen.

These were the lyrics I clung to.

"No guilt in life, no fear in death. 
This is the power of Christ in me. 
From life's first cry to final breath, 
Jesus commands my destiny. 
No power of hell, no scheme of man,
can ever pluck me from His hand, 
till he returns or calls me home, 
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand."

I mean. Whoa. Right? Think about those words. Think about their strength.

I sang this song so much before we moved here.

I believed these words.

I believe these words.

Jesus commands my destiny, and no one and nothing can take me away from here unless it is my time.

I have no reason to fear because here in the power of Christ, I stand.

Now, I was singing this song in my head tonight when I thought about these lyrics. I decided to make a graphic for Easter. This is the verse right before the one I just gave you.

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