Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Top Ten

It is important to build our man's confidence. Most guys I know need that boost in self esteem. 

Guys, especially husbands and dads, have the weight of the world on them.

They have to provide financially for their families, and if Dallas is any view into the lifestyle of "Keeping up with the Jones's," this is a LOT of stress. 

If they are believers, they also have the responsibility of leading their family spiritually. Talk about stress. We are all sinners and we all screw up. Think about not only feeling the weight of your sins on your life, but also on the lives of your wife and kids. PRESSURE.

So, what are some ways we can encourage the men in our lives? (For the single ladies out there, your dad's and brother's need this encouragement too.)

This is my man schooling a kid in a basketball game. He just stuffed him. So proud:)

These are the top 10 things I think we should tell our spouses. (If you are not married and are talking to your dad or brother, please leave numbers 2, 5, and 10 out. That would just be inappropriate.) 

I would also like to state the Song Of Solomon (found in the Bible) completely supports number 2, 5, and 10. Check it out. God is no prude.

1.) "I am grateful for you." (It's simple, but they need to hear it.)

2.) "You are a sexy man, and I'm glad I get to kiss those lips at night." (This is one to leave out if you are talking to your dad or brother.)

3.) "Thank you for being a good example to our children. I know our kids are learning from you."

4.) " Just in case you are stressed out with our financial situation, I want you to know that I am happy to live in an RV for the rest of our lives." (This is dramatic. Hopefully it won't have to happen, but if it helps him have a sigh of relief, it will be worth it.)

5.) "You look hot today. Give me some of that!" (Also only for spouses.)

6.) "I'm so glad I have you around to kill all of the bugs in the house and to fix everything that is broken. Our house would fall apart without you." (You can change this each week. Make it simple by just thanking him for one bug that was killed or one light bulb that was changed. I know guys. It's so simple and yet it blows your mind that I came up with these ideas.)

7.) "I am so sorry I was a biotch today. I know you are stressed and I will try to chill out a bit. Will you forgive me?"  (This one is hard. Why is it so hard to ask for forgiveness?! I hate doing it, but I find that we both work at doing it, and it has saved our marriage many a time.)

8.) "Have you been working out?" (I believe you can say this to your spouse, brother, or dad. Who doesn't want to hear this? Actually, if you see me anytime soon, feel free to say it to me. :))

9.) "I admire you. You love the Lord. You seek Him. In a world that does not do this, I often forget how blessed I am to have a man who is seeking the Lord." (Once again, feel free to change this up a bit. If you say the exact same thing every week, he is going to start wondering if you found these awesome ideas on a fabulous blog. Don't let him find out! Be creative. If your husband is making any attempt at drawing near to the Lord, point it out and praise him for it. He won't always be perfect, but he needs you to recognize that he is trying.)

10.) "I got some libido boosting oils today from Young Living. I would love to give you a massage."  (Yes, it's true. They exist. *Read below to find out a bit more about them. Also, this one is clearly for spouses only. Enjoy. You are welcome in advance.)

That's it! How hard is it to say those 10 things to your man once a week? Piece of cake! (I would love to eat some cake right now, but I want to make sure that next time you see me you can ask if I have been working out...)

***Individual essential oils that have been cited to arouse passion in men include: rose, jasmine, neroli and ylang ylang.  Blends from Young Living Essential Oilsthat contain these individual oils include:  Sensation, Inner Child, Joy and Lady Sclareol.
***Individual oils that raise a woman’s eyebrow include:  patchouli, spruce, Idaho balsam fir, ylang ylang and sandalwood.  Blends from Young Living Essential Oils that contain these individual oils include:  Valor, Australian Blue, Gathering and Highest Potential.)
Umm. Sarah, I'd like to try some of those oils...
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